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A block train is a train in which all wagons carry the same goods and are shipped from the same departure point to the same destination without being divided or stored on the railway. They differ from freight trains, which contain a different number of wagons for various customers.

Block trains allow railways to compete more effectively with road and sea transport systems. Time and expense are saved by avoiding the complications and delays associated with assembling and dismantling trains on railways close to their starting and destination points. Block trains are particularly efficient and economical for high volumes of goods. The wagons are all of the same type, as they usually carry a single item of goods.

In your block train transports with the Middle Corridor:

We offer end-to-end logistics solutions for wagon groups and block trains.

We provide transport facilities from the same sender to the same recipient.

We design custom customer solutions with flexible scheduling and the best possible booking options (time, volume, connections).